mbark on an adrenaline-pumping adventure with FlipPuzzle, a thrilling game that combines precision, strategy, and agility! Navigate through intricate levels, overcoming obstacles  by choosing the right path and executing flawless trick combinations.

Key Features:

 Intense Parkour Action: Test your parkour skills in challenging levels that demand speed, agility, and quick decision-making.

 Diverse Environments: Explore a variety of levels.

 Trick Combos: Master an array of parkour tricks and combos to conquer obstacles. Timing and precision are key to reaching the finish line!

Puzzle Elements: Engage your strategic thinking to decipher the optimal path through each level. Navigate wisely to find the quickest route.

Updated 19 days ago
Published 21 days ago
PlatformsAndroid, HTML5
GenreSports, Puzzle
Tagsbackflip, Casual, flip, Parkour


FlipPuzzleSlideMe2.apk 39 MB

Also available on

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